Coffee Pod Gumball Machine
Although this gum ball machine isn't filled with real candy, it's mini, so it's way cuter!
- Acrylic Paint Jars Primary
- Rainbow Poms Assorted Sizes, 100 pieces
- Coffee Pod
- Mini Glass Light Bulb Jar
- Craft Knife ***May Require Adult Assistance
- Scissors
- Pen
- Black Marker
Step 1. Gather your supplies. |
Step 2. Paint a coffee pod red. |
Step 3. Unscrew the bottom of the light bulb jar. |
Step 4. Trace the bottom of the light bulb jar on top of the coffee pod. |
Step 5. Cut out the traced circle with a craft knife (may require adult assistance). |
Step 6. Fill jar with small poms. |
Step 7. Place jar in hole and then screw bottom of light bulb jar back on to secure in place. |
Step 8. Draw an exit hole and “25 cents”. |