
Back to School Melty Bead Shapes

  • Math
  • Grades 6-8

Use Melty Beads and the pegboard shapes shown to create a School bus, Schoolhouse, Apple and Chalkboard and get excited to head back to school!


  • Melty Beads Ultimate Kit
  • Melty Beads Variety Pack
  • Iron **may require adult assistance


To create these designs, lay Melty Beads onto the pegboard shapes shown. We have indicated which kits are needed to make each shape, but you can easily switch out the bead colors for colors of your choice!

To melt, follow the instructions included in your package, or read about the Basics of Melty Beads here!


Melty Bead School Bus


School Bus
Square PegboardBead colors found in: Melty Beads Variety Pack and Ultimate Kit


Melty Bead apple




Octagon Pegboard


Bead colors found in: Melty Beads Variety Pack, Animal Pack and Ultimate Kit


Melty Bead Chalkboard




Square Pegboard

Tip: Remember, what you see on the pegboard is actually the back of your Melty Bead craft. When spelling words, do them backwards as shown!


Bead colors found in: Melty Beads Variety Pack, Animal Pack and Ultimate Kit


Melty Bead School House


Square PegboardBead colors found in: Melty Beads Variety Pack and Ultimate Kit




Melt away back-to-school jitters! Use melty beads to create fun school designs for locker accessories and more.

Warm-up those brains: Use small math exercises to add or multiply to determine the number of beads is needed in each row.


Shape it up: Introduce geometry and angles with each unique design layout.

Encourage the class to find math in their everyday activities. Ask students: In a typical day, what different geometrical shapes can you find? When can you use math in everyday situations?