Dog Bead Pet

String together pony beads to create a dog themed design that will a fun backpack accessory.
- Made by Me™ Bead Pets
- Craft Glue
- Scissors
Step 1. Gather your supplies. |
Step 2. Cut your Braiding Cord to 48 inches in length. Stiffen both ends by rolling it between your finger with a dab of craft glue. Allow glue to dry. This will help when threading the beads. |
Step 3. Create a lark knot on the key ring. To learn how to create a lark knot, click here. |
Step 4. To create Row 1, thread (1) black and (3) tan Pony Beads onto the left hand string. |
Step 5. Take your right hand string and thread back through beads from the other end. |
Step 6. Pull cords tight to form this row of your Dog Bead Pet. |
Step 7. You will now need to create the dog’s ears. To do this, string (4) black beads on the left hand string. |
Step 8. Take the end of the left hand string and thread it back through the last (3) black beads. This will create the left ear. |
Step 9. Pull tight to create the left ear. Repeat steps 7-9 to create the right ear, except use (4) tan beads instead of black. |
Step 10. To create Row 2, thread the following through the left hand string: (1) black, (1) metallic blue, (1) tan, (1) metallic blue and (1) tan bead. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create Row 2. The metallic blue beads here represent the dog’s eyes. |
Step 11. To create Row 3, thread the following through the left hand string: (2) tan, (1) black and (2) tan beads. Then repeat steps 5 and 6 to create Row 3. The black bead here represents the dog’s nose. |
Step 12. To create Row 4, thread the following through the left hand string: (4) tan beads. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to create Row 4. |
Step 13. To create Row 5, thread the following through the left hand string: (2) tan, (1) metallic silver and (2) black beads. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to complete Row 5. |
Step 14. To create Row 6, thread the following through the left hand string: (2) tan, (2) metallic silver, and (2) black beads. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to complete Row 6. |
Step 15. To create Row 7, thread the following through the left hand string: (3) tan, (1) metallic silver, and (3) tan beads. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to complete Row 7. |
Step 16. Now you will need to create the dog’s legs. First thread (3) tan beads on the left hand string. |
Step 17. Take the end of this string and pass it back through the leftmost (3) tan beads from Row 7, threading through these beads from right to left as shown. |
Step 18. Pull tight to see the left leg form. Secure your shape in place by tying a double knot with the left most edge of Row 7. |
Step 19. To create the right leg, repeat steps 16-18 with (3) tan beads on the right hand string. Make sure to thread back through the rightmost (3) tan beads from Row 7, from left to right as shown. Pull tight to form the right leg. |
Step 20. To create the tail, thread (2) tan beads on the right hand string. Take the end and thread it back through the first tan bead. |
Step 21. Continue to thread this right hand string through the (3) tan beads from the right leg, from right to left as shown. |
Step 22. To secure your key chain, tie a tight double knot at the end of the cord, making sure the knot is snug against the beads. Trim excess thread with scissors. Then, clip onto your backpack and show off your Dog Bead Pet! For extra help, watch our video which teaches the basic techniques to create Bead Pets. |