Pom Frog
Create a single frog friend or a whole group of aquatic creatures with poms! Ribbit!
- Ultimate Fuzzy Kit Neon
- Foam sheet - green
- Craft glue
- Scissors
Step 1: Gather your supplies.
Step 2: Take two large green neon Poms and glue one on top of the other—this will make the head and body of the frog. |
Step 3: Glue two small green Poms on top of the head and glue a Wiggly Eye to each small Pom. |
Step 4: Draw flippers and a mouth on the green foam sheet. |
Cut the flippers and mouth out of the green foam sheet |
Finish by glueing the mouth and flippers on to your new friend! Allow glue to dry for at least 30 minutes prior to handling your frog. |