
Thanksgiving Tube People

  • History & Social Studies
  • Music & Drama
  • Grades 4-5
  • Grades 6-8
  • Grades 1-3

Download our free Thanksgiving printable. Glue on to recycled cardboard tubes and decorate the table this Thanksgiving.


  • 25 Pack Assorted Paint Brushes
  • Feathers Brown
  • Acrylic Paint Jars, 24 Assorted colors
  • Watercolor Paint Palette
  • Wiggly Eyes 7mm
  • 2 Large Cardboard Tubes (Or 4 Small Cardboard Tubes)
  • White Card Stock
  • Craft Glue (Bottle & Glue Stick)
  • Scissors
printDownload Template



Step 1. Gather your supplies.


Step 2.


Download and print the template onto the card stock. To download the template, click the “Template” button above.


Step 3.


Paint the template using the watercolors and add gold acrylic to accent areas, like the belt buckles on the pilgrims. Finish by painting faces and gluing on wiggle eyes.


Step 4.


If using the 2 large tubes, cut each one in half.


Step 5.


Cut out the people and glue to the tubes. Glue feathers on the turkey and you will be ready to decorate the table for Thanksgiving.


Enjoy a little Thanksgiving entertainment with recycled cardboard puppets and your own scripted skit!  

  • Twist on Tradition: Instead of dressing up, use the handmade puppets to showcase your students’ talent. Have them make a cardboard puppet stage and attach the cardboard tube to wood dowels to hold them during the performance.
  • Put on a Play: Test those writing skills! Break your students into small groups to create their own Thanksgiving plays — encourage them to complete a story with a beginning, middle, and end by incorporating historic events, family traditions, or even jokes!

Trade the historical Thanksgiving script for something silly — have students volunteer to act in the short skit, Terri and the Turkey, to explore the world of drama and plays in class. After rehearsals, put on the show for parents or peers!